There are lots of ways you can make a donation

We are always grateful for your help and any donations will go towards the running of our group, helping our riders and supporting the welfare of our horses and ponies.  However you choose to give 


Sum Up

If you have a smartphone and then Sum Up is by far the easiest way to make a donation.  Just point the camera on your phone at the symbol below and it will open up a webpage belonging to Sumup. You then enter a sum to be paid and enter your credit/debit card details, which will not be retained once payment has been made. 


Another easy way for you to donate is through our JustGiving page. All you need to do is to click on the link below. 
Please note that 100% of what you give will go towards our charity you can also add Gift Aid to your donation if you use this method

Cash Or Cheque

Cheques should be made payable to SOUTH NOTTINGHAMSHIRE RDA and sent to South Notts RDA c/o Ling Lane Riding Stable, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5EF 

Internet Banking

You can also donate using internet banking -

Our bank details are 
Barclays Bank:
Sort Code 20-84-13
Acc No: 53284832

Gift Aid

If you are a UK Tax payer you can add to your donation by allowing us to claim a further 25% Gift Aid from HMRC.

Thank you to our Supporters and Sponsors


Serving the village of Keyworth 

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